enabley's advanced Management Report tool includes the Learners Performance in Courses report, designed to provide detailed insights into the performance and progress of learners within each course in your organization. This report option delivers a comprehensive analysis of learner activity, making it an essential tool for managers who need to monitor and assess the effectiveness of their learning programs.
Learners Performance in Courses Report
The Learners Performance in Courses report is a powerful tool that presents detailed data on various aspects of each learner's performance within their courses. This report includes the following default fields:
Full Name: The full name of the learner.
Username: The username of the learner.
Course Name: The specific title or name of the course.
Course ID: A unique identifier for each course.
Final Score: The final score achieved by the learner upon course completion.
Progress: The learner's progress in the course, typically represented as a percentage.
Current Score: The score achieved by the learner at the current point in the course.
Completion Status: The current status of the learner in the course (e.g., completed, in progress, not started).
Completed Date: The date when the learner completed the course.
Certificate Name: The name of the certificate awarded upon course completion.
Certification Status: The status of the learner's certification (e.g., certified, not certified).
Certification Date: The date when the certification was awarded.
Total Learning Time [min]: The total amount of time the learner has spent on the course, measured in minutes.
Assignment Date: The date when the learner was assigned to the course.
Organizational Groups: The organizational groups to which the learner belongs.
Organizational Profiles: The organizational profiles associated with the learner.
Course Categories: The categories or tags assigned to the course for organizational purposes.
Published in Catalog: Indicates whether the course is published and available in the catalog for learners to enroll.
Customizing the Learners Performance in Courses Report
The Management Report tool allows you to customize the Learners Performance in Courses report to suit your specific organizational needs:
- Filtering:
- Include or exclude data based on specific courses, dates, user groups, or other relevant criteria.
- Field Selection:
- Choose which data fields to display in your report, such as:
- Email Address: The learner's email address.
- User ID: A unique identifier for each learner.
- Phone Number: The learner's contact number.
- Address: The physical address of the learner.
- Master Course: The name of the master course, if applicable.
- Duration: The total length of the course.
- Expiration Date: The date when the learner's certification expires.
- Last Accessed: The last date the learner accessed the course.
- Time in Media [min]: The total time the learner has spent on media content within the course, measured in minutes.
- Choose which data fields to display in your report, such as:
- Sorting:
- Organize the data by any column, such as alphabetical order, completion date, or score.
Exporting Your Learners Performance in Courses Report
Exporting your customized report is simple and efficient:
- Instant Download:
- Limited to 100 rows.
- Available for immediate download to your device.
- Full Report Export:
- Receive a notification and an email when the report is ready for download.