enabley's advanced Management Report tool includes the Courses & Streams Overview report, designed to provide a comprehensive summary of activities across all courses and streams within your organization. This report option delivers a snapshot of overall learning activity and performance, making it an essential tool for managers who need to monitor and assess learning programs effectively.
Courses & Streams Overview Report
The Courses & Streams Overview report is a powerful tool that combines data from both courses and streams to present a unified summary. This report includes the following key elements:
Course/Stream Name:
- The title or name of the course or stream.
Course/Stream ID:
- A unique identifier for each course or stream.
Completed (%):
- The percentage of learners who have completed the course or stream.
In Progress (%):
- The percentage of learners currently engaged in the course or stream but have not yet completed it.
Not Started (%):
- The percentage of learners who have not started the course or stream.
Stream Completion:
- The overall completion status of the stream, combining individual course completions.
Learners Assigned:
- The total number of learners assigned to the course or stream.
Assigned Groups:
- The groups that are assigned to the course or stream, providing insights into group-level participation and performance.
Courses & Streams Overview Report
The Courses & Streams Overview report is a powerful tool that combines data from both courses and streams to present a unified summary. This report includes the following key elements:
Course/Stream Name:
- The title or name of the course or stream.
Course/Stream ID:
- A unique identifier for each course or stream.
Completed (%):
- The percentage of learners who have completed the course or stream.
In Progress (%):
- The percentage of learners currently engaged in the course or stream but have not yet completed it.
Not Started (%):
- The percentage of learners who have not started the course or stream.
Stream Completion:
- The overall completion status of the stream, combining individual course completions.
Learners Assigned:
- The total number of learners assigned to the course or stream.
Assigned Groups:
- The groups to which the learners are assigned, providing insights into group-level participation and performance.
Customizing the Courses & Streams Overview Report
The Management Report tool allows you to customize the Courses & Streams Overview report to suit your specific organizational needs:
- Include or exclude data based on specific courses, streams, dates, user groups, or other relevant criteria.
Field Selection:
- Choose which data fields to display in your report, such as:
- Course/Stream: The type of the learning channel.
- Assigned Profiles: Profiles of the users assigned to the course or stream.
- Created Date: The date when the course or stream was created.
- Categories: Categories or tags assigned to the course or stream for organizational purposes.
- Published in Catalog: Indicates whether the course or stream is published and available in the catalog for learners to enroll.
- Choose which data fields to display in your report, such as:
- Organize the data by any column, such as alphabetical order, completion date, or score.
Exporting Your Courses & Streams Overview Report
Exporting your customized report is simple and efficient:
- Instant Download:
- Limited to 100 rows.
- Available for immediate download to your device.
- Full Report Export:
- Receive a notification and an email when the report is ready for download.
- Receive a notification and an email when the report is ready for download.