Groups are sets of authors within the organization that mirror your company structure - its departments or teams. You can create groups for your company's different departments or regions, such as 'Sales', 'HR', 'North America', etc. Moreover, you can then add or remove users to these groups as necessary. Groups offer multiple benefits and allow for better collaboration, easy management, and search for authors and courses.
Manage group types
- Access the admin panel.
- Click the Groups tab and then click .
- Click Add New Group Type to provide a name for a group type.
- Specify the name of the group type.
- Define whether or not to allow self-managed teams for this group type.
- Save the group type.
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Manage organizational group
- Click the Groups tab and then . Note that you can only add group types before adding your groups, so be careful with the types you choose.
- On the Manage Group Types page, enter the group types you want to use to define the organizational structure.
- Click the+ Add button corresponding to the parent group to create a subgroup.
- On the Create Group page, enter a group name, select a group type, and click Next.
- Select the users you want to add to the group and click Next.
- Select the user(s) assigned to be Managers of this Organizational Group.
- When done, click Save and Exit. The organizational group appears on the Groups tab. You can create a hierarchy by adding groups at different hierarchical levels.
Click on the video to maximize.
These are the available actions:
- To delete group types, click on .
- To add more group names, click the Add button.
- To update a group, click the Edit button.
- To delete a group, click on the Delete button. After deleting an organizational group, any users who were previously assigned to the group are automatically disconnected.