Shows the number of completed questions, the success rate, time spent on media, and when the course content was last accessed for all learners.
Performance data is sorted into the following success rate categories: High, shown as green, is 75 percent and above; Middle, shown as yellow, is between 50 and 75 percent; and Low, shown as red, is under 50 percent. Grey means unanswered questions.
You can send a message to an individual learner or reset a content item to allow the learner to redo it. Hover your mouse over a specific learner and click the relevant icon
Note: For SCORM-based content, success rates will not be displayed, only performance rates.
Filter the reports
You can use the filter options to select a specific category.
- Course / Stream - From a list of the courses/ streams assigned to you.
- Content Name -The selected courses/ streams list of content items.
- Organizational Group -From a list of your organization groups.
- Report type -
- Course overview shows the KPIs of all learners for the whole course or each content item.
- Multiple Learner Report shows each learner's performance for the whole course or content item.
- Single Learner Report shows the performance of a single learner for each content item.
- The Multiple Question report shows the performance of all learners for each question in a content item.
- Single Question Report shows the performance of all learners for a single question.
- Learning Path Report shows the learners' progress through the course content items.
- Live Session Report shows all learners' attendance in each live session
- Event Attendance Report lists all learners alongside their attendance status and score.