Multiple choice question offers more than one correct answer from a list of choices. This question type is best used to check knowledge on a series of facts or procedures with more than one reasonable choice.
How to create a multiple choice question:
- Click add question and select the Picture choice question from the left-hand panel.
- Select the question appearance.
- Click on button and select a Multiple choice question, the number of attempts allowed, and if you wish to randomize the answers.
- Type in the question and the text.
- Click on + Add answer choice to add more distractors or answers.
- Mark the correct answers.
- Click on button to create feedback for correct and incorrect answers (Optional).
- Click on button to add content tags (Optional).
Click on the video to maximize it.
Best Practices
- The question instruction should be meaningful and state a specific problem that focuses on the learning objective.
- In the question instruction, specify how many answers should be chosen.
- Do not use negative phrases as they confuse the learners.
- Use 3-5 alternatives per question. Research shows that three-choice questions are about as effective as four or five-choice questions because it is challenging to come up with plausible distractors. More than five alternatives may be confusing.
- Make sure the distractors are credible and realistic. Otherwise, the correct answers will be too noticeable.
- Avoid clues to the correct answers.
- Keep the options parallel, of similar length, and have consistent grammar.
- Avoid using alternatives like ‘all of the above and ‘none of the above'.