Content tags are labels attached to questions and media for the purpose of identification or to give other information. Administrators and Training Managers are authorized to manage the account's tag content tags, and instructors and content editors use these tags to label questions and media.
Content tags serve multiple purposes:
- It helps track the questions and media usage by labeling their attributes. The tags dashboard presents the number of interactions assigned to a tag throughout the account (not the number of content items).
- Heatmap Reports show learners' performance per content tag across different questions in multiple content items, courses, and streams. You can read more about Heatmaps in this article.
Manage tags
Click on the video to maximize it.
- Click on Account Management on the main side bar menu.
- Click on Content Management
- Select the Content Tags tab to display the current tags.
- If no tags are defined, click on the Create New Tag button. The New Tag dialogue box appears when adding a tag, where the name, description, and activation status are defined.
- Where there are tags, New, Edit, and Delete icons appear to add, revise, or remove. Display or Hide tag hierarchy by clicking on the Collapse All or Expand All buttons.