Courses are made of content items. A content item can include a combination of content as well as interactions. The content and interactions within a single content item may involve several pages. Content items can be created or use existing content from Workspaces or training packages
- Create a new content item - Start fresh by building a custom content item tailored to your course's specific learning objectives. This can include various media formats like text, images, videos, and interactive elements.
- Create an event - Schedule live or recorded events (e.g., webinars or in-person workshops) as part of your course. You can integrate attendance tracking and grade the event.
- Create an evaluation - Evaluations are crucial for evaluation learner performance and readiness. They measure both knowledge and practical application, providing feedback to address gaps and ensure learners meet the required standards.
- Add an existing content
Learning materials
In your course, click on the Attached Files tab to upload files that you wish to make available for your learners to download: