In the Content Editor, you can add content as a base layer and add questions and other media over the base layer. You can use content from various sources to create a content item, including videos, PDF documents, PowerPoint slides, images, and more. You may also use the editor menu on the bottom right to add
, duplicate
or delete
Import Files
To add content from existing files, either drag and drop the required file or click IMPORT to open a browser. The following file types are supported: ppt/pptx, pdf, doc/docx, mp4, mov, png/jpg, zip (SCORM)
A detailed guide on how to import SCORM files.

When importing PowerPoint/PDF files, you can select which slides/pages to import or import all of them. Each slide or page from the original document appears separately in the content item.
Import via URL
Enter or paste the YouTube or Vimeo URL to embed a video.

Click on the video to maximize it.
When imported, videos are displayed on a single page in the content item. You can make the video interactive by adding questions and media along the timeline.
Use a Content Template
Click on the start from a template link and select the required template from the appropriate Workspace. Content templates can be created and curated in Workspaces by users with Editor permissions.