Certificates provide formal recognition of proficiency for specific content. In your platform, completing certain courses can earn you a training certification to validate your skill level on several topics. Certifications are automatically given to you upon completing certain courses, but not all completed courses in the platform warrant a certification. Refer to your Training manager for further information on courses associated with a certification.
My Certifications
The My Certifications card on your dashboard displays certificates that apply to you based on your assigned content items. The certificates show the percentage of content you achieved, which changes to "Certified" when completed.

When certified, click on it to view and print out the certificate or show it on social media.
New Certificate
Once you receive a new certification, you will be asked to confirm it once you log in to your account.
Checking Your Certifications
To monitor your progress towards achieving a certificate:
- Click on the certificate to open and display the attached content items, your completion progress, and your performance score.
- Click on the content items to access them.
- Hover over the bar to view your current status and the minimum success requirement.
Renewing a Certification
Certifications may have an expiration date. The certifications listed on the My Certification card show their expiration date, and you may renew them three weeks before the expiration date.
- Open the My Certifications menu, where you will find all your certificates.
- Select the certificate you want to renew and press the Renew Certification button.
- Confirm the course reset.
Your expired certificate will remain in place until you complete the course. Only then a new and valid certificate will be issued.