Once you join a course, you can start competing to earn as many points as possible. You can access a course and press the trophy icon in the top right corner of your platform to see a quick view of their points, the number of points needed to proceed to the next level, contests, and leaderboard rankings.
Earning Activity Points
You can advance to higher levels by earning activity points, which are awarded based on your course participation. Here's how leaderboard points are distributed:
- Submitting assessments/assignments: 8 points
Answering questions:
- Correct on the first attempt: 6 points
- Correct, but not on the first attempt: 3 points
- Partially correct: 2 points
- Submission only: 1 point
Progressing Through Levels
Progress between different levels is customized for each account. If you need any updates to your level progression, please contact the enabley representative within your organization.