NOTE: Anti-plagiarism check is available as an add-on service. If you're interested in adding it to your account, don't hesitate to get in touch with your enabley Customer Success Manager for more details.
About this feature
The platform's anti-plagiarism solution helps instructors easily spot cases where parts of the text answers or written assignments submitted by a learner are copied from another learner or an external source. This plagiarism detection is not based solely on direct comparison of exactly matched text, but can also detect different levels of rephrasing a source text to make it seem original and learners attempting to copy without getting caught.
This feature is suitable especially for educational institutions such as universities, professional schools, and others.
Enabling plagiarism check on a Text Response question
As plagiarism checking incurs a cost per processed text, it is treated by the platform as an "opt-in" option. When creating or editing content, simply turn on the Scan for plagiarism checkbox in the question settings. This setting appears for Text Response questions (assuming this feature is enabled on your account).

When selecting the Scan for plagiarism checkbox, you will notice that the input type will be limited to Free text. If you wish your learners to upload a file as their answer (e.g., a writing assignment or essay), simply select the Upload file option.
Plagiarism Report - Free Text Responses
Once a learner submits an answer (text or Word file) to a Text Response question with a plagiarism check enabled, it is sent for a plagiarism check. Once analyzed and processed, the plagiarism check result will appear in the instructor's report (note: this process may take up to several minutes).
As an instructor, filter the Content Name to the relevant content item and open the Single Learner Report:
In this report, you will find a visual indication of the results of the plagiarism check of learner answers - a green icon
for submissions found to be 100% original and a red icon for submissions that are suspected to be partly/fully copied, with or without text modifications:
A similar indication is provided when viewing the Single Question Report, i.e., when focusing on a specific question and skipping between different learners who answered that question:

To open the plagiarism check report, click on the red icon
The plagiarism report is dynamic, allowing you to scroll through the different results as well as skim through the content itself using the up/down arrow buttons. You may also adjust the font size and text alignment for easier reviewing of the report.
The top-right part of the plagiarism report gives a clear indication of the degree of plagiarism detected in the entire text/document submission. In the following example, there's a very high match (78.6%) of submitted text with several sources of content, and the report also shows the breakdown of how much of the matched text is Identical vs. with slightly modified - reflected in the Minor Changes, Related Meaning and Omitter Words rubrics:

Plagiarism Report - Word File Upload
The same principles apply to learner submissions in the form of uploading a Word document as the answer to a Text Response question.
To allow learners to upload a Word file as their answer, click on the settings icon in the question editor, and mark the allowed input type as Upload file instead of the default Free text: