The new managerial reports help you analyze data about the learning activities in your organization more easily and get a better understanding of the overall performance and engagement of your learners.
Management reports are available for users with Training Manager or Manager permissions.
In this article:
Courses/Streams oriented reports
To see the new reports, click on the Reports button in the main dashboard.
The new reports are divided into two types:
- Courses/Streams oriented reports
- Users/Groups oriented reports
Courses/Streams oriented reports
With these reports, you will be able to receive data about your Courses/Streams in different variations.
First, you can see a list of your entire Courses/Streams.
Each row consists of:
- The name of the Course/Stream.
- The name of the instructor (or instructors, in case there are several co-instructors).
- Started Vs. Assigned - How many of your learners have actually started the Course/Stream, out of the total number of learners that were assigned to it.
- Completion- Showing the overall progress within the Course/Stream.
- Performance- Showing how well your learners are doing in the content of each Course/Stream.
By clicking the Expand button on the left end of the row, a list of all the Content Items will appear.
In addition, clicking the name of the course will take you to its current Multiple Learners Report.
Furthermore, you can filter your results by several categories:
- Organizational Groups- Will show you data that is only relevant to the organizational group or groups that you filter by. This option is useful for comparing different teams and departments in your organization (provided an organizational structure is defined in your account). You can also filter your results by learners who are not assigned to any group.
- Instructors- Will show you Courses/Streams that are instructed by the user or users that you selected. You can easily locate instructors by starting to type their names. You may also aggregate several instructors within the same filter.
- Active Users- Choose whether you want to see data only about users currently defined as active users on the platform or also include inactive users (e.g., former employees, former students, and any user that has been inactivated by the platform administrator).
You may also sort your results by alphabetical order or by the number of assigned learners by clicking the Sort button
The Download button allows you to download a CSV spreadsheet with all the data in the current report. You can open the downloaded file in Excel or any other spreadsheet application for further analysis and visualization.
Users/Groups oriented reports
Using these reports, you will be able to monitor better your learners' progress and performance, both as organizational groups and as individuals.
In the report type selector, click onUsers/Groups:
In this report, you will be able to see your entire account's group hierarchy and check on the learning status of each of the groups.
By clicking the Expand button the next level in the groups' hierarchy will appear until you reach the last level.
Each row displays data regarding the specific group.
The reports aggregate the data from the entire organizational structure, so the numbers stated for a group at a given level also include all sub-groups in lower levels of the hierarchy.
Moreover, you can filter the results by several categories:
- Courses/Streams- see the progress of each group in a specific course/stream.
- Organizational Groups- Will show you data that is only relevant to the organizational group or groups that you filter by. This option is useful for comparing different teams and departments in your organization (provided an organizational structure is defined in your account).
- Active Users- Choose whether you want to see data only about users currently defined as active users on the platform or also include inactive users (e.g., former employees, former students, and any user that has been inactivated by the platform administrator).
If you click on any of the groups' names, you will see a detailed list of each of its learners' performance and progress in each of their assigned courses.
In this part of the report, you can also filter your results by: Courses/Streams, Learner Name, and Active/Inactive users.
As in all other areas of the reports, you can also press the Sort button to sort your data alphabetically.
In addition, you may download a CSV spreadsheet with all the data in the current report by clicking the Download button. You can open the downloaded file in Excel or any other spreadsheet application for further analysis and visualization.